Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quick post.

I have to make this quick, because- and I readily admit, this is a ridiculous reason- Davey wants to go upstairs to bed. It'd be one thing if Davey were, say, a four-year-old child. He's not though. He's our seven-year-old Australian-shepherd/German-shepherd mix. He wants to go to bed, but he doesn't like going up by himself. And we give in to his wants. Sigh.

Anyhoo... I have a whole bunch of crappy pictures of figure drawings in pastels. I decided to be brave and start working in color again, and good gravy! I forgot how much I like pastels! And color! I'm thinking though... I really like to coat on the pastel- layers and layers. And that's so non-permanent, isn't it? So I probably need to get back to oils. Which brings in the problem of where to farging paint and 1) not give myself brain damage with the odors and 2) not make a total mess of the place. We're talking about eventually turning our useless garage into a studio, but in the meantime, I think I'm going to look for some studio space. Actually, I'm looking at applying to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to get a certificate in painting. I did some painting for my BFA, but mostly drawing and photography.

Blah blah blah - I said this was going to be quick, didn't I? Drawings below.

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