Thursday, April 23, 2009

More pastel work

A woman asked if I was using oil pastels last night, and when I told her no, chalk, she said "but your colors look so juicy!" Woot! ;-)
I suppose I should mention (I don't think I've mentioned it yet) - I do a lot of my drawing at The Drawing Workshop in Ravenswood. They have open figure drawing sessions twice a week, $15 for three hours of poses, ranging from 40 seconds to 25 minutes.
I'm trying to draw more at home though, since six hours a week is really not much time.
Speaking of Ravenswood- and I'm going to really out myself as laaaaazy here- I keep wondering where Ravenswood Manor is, the neighborhood our illustrious impeached governor lives in. The number of times I have wondered that wonder, you might think I would've googled it by now, right? I suppose I'm holding out hope that one day while traveling through the area, I'll catch sight of Blago and figure it out from there. You know, saving myself the trouble of having to do all that typing. Like, what I've just done here...
Anyhoo- we don't need to talk about that anymore. Here are some more iPhone photos of drawings, slightly less crappy picture-taking than usual.

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